
Global Cloud-Resolving Simulations at ECMWF - Status and Prospects
Event Type
Scientific Fields
Climate and Weather
TimeThursday, 13 June 201915:15 - 15:45
LocationHG D 1.1
DescriptionECMWF's 2016-2025 strategy aims to implement a global medium-range ensemble prediction system at 5 km resolution by 2025. In preparation for this ambitious goal, several very-high resolution simulations have been performed to establish the computational feasibility of such a system and to define the scientific benefit of spatial resolution. Apart from many scientific challenges like the relevance of physical process parameterisations and data assimilation at such scales, the computational efficiency of ECMWF's model is paramount for achieving this goal and for reaching even smaller, cloud resolving scales. The paper will provide an overview of the results from these high-resolution simulations and present ECMWF's approach for making the appropriate scientific and technological choices.