
Poster: Poster Session & Reception (Sponsored by Canton of Zurich and City of Zurich)
Event TypePoster
TimeThursday, 13 June 201919:50 - 21:50
LocationHG EO Nord
CHM01 - Anisotropic Reaction-Field Correction for Ionic Solutions in Molecular Dynamics Simulations
CHM03 - Computing Ab Initio Molecular-Dynamics Trajectories Using Artificial Neural Networks with Different Architectures and Feature Spaces
CHM04 - DBCSR: A Library for Sparse Linear Algebra
CHM05 - Many-Body Perturbation Theory Towards the Exascale: Yambo on GPUs
CLW01 - A Case Study of Scientific Visualization of Flow Field Data – Dynamic Visualization of Ocean Current and Wave
CLW03 - DATALAKES - Data Platform and Stochastic Bayesian Forecasting for Swiss Lakes Using Supercomputers
CLW05 - Simulating Hurricane Harvey Using Two Dimensional Flood Model on Titan and Summit at ORNL
CSM01 - Abstracting Scientific Array-Based Computations in High-Performance Computing Environments
CSM02 - Adding Inter-Node Communication to a C++ Tasking Framework for Synchronization-Critical Applications
CSM03 - A Parallel Space-Time Boundary Element Method
CSM04 - Applications of Quantum Computing to Linear Algebra Eigendecomposition Problems
CSM05 - A Spherical Harmonic Oscillator Basis for Reduced Bandwidth Requirements
CSM06 - Auto-Tuning for Short-Range Particle Simulation
CSM07 - Building a Performance Portable Software System for the Met Office's Weather and Climate Model, LFRic
CSM08 - Design and Implementation of an Exascale-Ready Mini-App for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Simulations
CSM09 - Helping You Improve Software Sustainability and Development Productivity: An Overview of the IDEAS Project
CSM10 - Identifying Performance Challenges in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations
CSM11 - libEnsemble: A Library for the Concurrent Evaluation of Ensembles of Computations
CSM12 - Optimization of the Parallel Solver Execution Time with Evolutionary and Swarm Algorithms
CSM13 - Scaling Iterative Random Forest for Use on Distributed High-Performance Compute Resources
CSM14 - Sparse Approximate Matrix Multiplication in a Fully Recursive Distributed Task-Based Parallel Framework
CSM15 - Tasking Meets GPUs: Fighting Deadlocks and Other Monsters
CSM16 - The Performance Optimisation and Productivity (POP) HPC Centre of Excellence: Identifying and Finding the Causes of Inefficiency in Parallel Applications
EAD01 - Deep Equilibrium Nets
ENG01 - Parallel Processing of the Unstructured Meshes Stored in Sequential Databases
LIF01 - Health 2030 Genome Center: a Stateful Data Analysis Platform for Genomic Medicine
LIF02 - Using Iterative Random Forest to Develop Multi-Phenotypic Genomic Selection Techniques
PHY01 - A Fully Traceless Cartesian Multipole Formulation for the Distributed Fast Multipole Method
PHY02 - Bayesian Parameter Inference with Stochastic Solar Dynamo Models
PHY03 - Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Emulating Collisions in Planet Formation
PHY05 - Modeling Scalar Advection Using the Particle-in Cell Method with Deformable Kernels
PHY06 - Spectral Methods for Multi-Scale Plasma Physics Modeling at Exascale